Product News

Meet the TIMIFY Assistant: Your AI-Powered Automation Partner

09 April, 2024

Discover how TIMIFY Assistant, your AI-powered automation ally, streamlines workflows and boosts productivity. Leverage the power of AI for effortless business management.

artificial intelligence robot assistant timify

Business owners wear many hats. Juggling your team, customer requests, and staying ahead of the competition is a constant challenge. While a personal assistant can help, one approach to becoming more dynamic and time-efficient is through leveraging AI assistants.

What is an AI Assistant?

An AI assistant, also known as a virtual assistant, is a software program that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to complete tasks and answer your questions. Think of them as digital helpers that make life and work easier.

The Transformative Power of AI Assistants

Did you know that businesses that adopt AI technology for automation see, on average, a 66% increase in productivity? This remarkable statistic underscores the transformative power of AI assistants in streamlining operations and boosting efficiency. Take, for instance, a business owner who implemented an AI assistant to handle appointment scheduling. By automating this process, they could be able to save up to 30 hours per week, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks like client acquisition and business growth.

Driving Customer Satisfaction with AI

Furthermore, AI assistants are not just about efficiency—they also drive significant improvements in customer satisfaction. According to a McKinsey & Company Report businesses utilizing AI-driven customer service solutions witness a 30% increase in customer and employee satisfaction rates. Imagine a scenario where a customer receives personalized appointment recommendations tailored to their preferences, leading to a seamless booking experience and a heightened sense of loyalty to the brand.

Introducing the TIMIFY Assistant Powered by AI

timify assistant skills
Source: timify

The TIMIFY Assistant, or Timi as we call him, is an app that works alongside our core product. Timi is capable of analyzing a ton of data from your TIMIFY account, such as customer behavior, historical data, resource data, and so on. He can then execute tasks based on triggers you establish, ensuring it adapts to your needs.

Timi's skills, or functionalities he offers, are specific automated tasks. These allow him to, for instance, reschedule appointments due to employee absences, send personalized appointment recommendations when free slots become available, or send promotions to certain customers. Examples include birthday greetings, VIP rewards after a year of becoming a customer, or win-back campaigns for inactive customers.

Why We Believe TIMIFY Assistant is a Game-Changer

Innovation is at the core of our mission. We aim to provide companies with innovative yet functional solutions that are easy to implement and truly benefit our customers. After listening to our customers and understanding the complex challenges of scheduling, we decided to harness the latest advancements in AI to address these issues. We are committed to growth and to providing solutions that evolve alongside technological advancements. By pioneering AI in scheduling, we ensure our solutions are informed by customer feedback and continuously improve.

Moreover, we've equipped the Assistant with the ability to analyze outcomes such as ROI, customer satisfaction, and time and money saved. This information enables you to evaluate the impact of the Assistant on your business effectively.

For those who may be skeptical or hesitant about trusting AI entirely, we understand. That's why Timi offers the option to manually review and approve proposed changes. For instance, if you're unsure about automatically rescheduling customer appointments, Timi can provide daily recommendations for your consideration. Ultimately, the decision to implement these recommendations rests with you, empowering you to maintain control while benefiting from AI-driven insights.

What are the beneifts of the TIMIFY Assistant 

  • Effortless Automation: Timi handles repetitive tasks like appointment rescheduling due to absences, personalized appointment recommendations, and targeted promotions (birthday greetings, VIP rewards, win-back campaigns). Free yourself to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Timi analyzes outcomes in terms of ROI, customer satisfaction, time saved, and revenue generated. Gain valuable insights to measure the Assistant's impact and optimize your business strategies.
  • Flexibility and Control: Timi respects your preferences. He can automatically execute actions or provide recommendations for your approval. You remain in control, making the final decisions.

How the Assistant Works

Before diving into specifics, let's clarify some terminology:

  • Skill: These are functionalities of the Assistant that automate or optimize processes or provide data insights. Skills encompass scheduling, marketing, and business functionalities.
  • Skill Set: This refers to the actions or triggers you define for a skill to operate. For example, you could create a skill called "Birthday Celebrations" and instruct Timi to send emails offering discounted appointments to active customers in Madrid.
  • Outcome: These are variables Timi measures to calculate metrics such as ROI, customer satisfaction, and time and money saved. You provide Timi with relevant information such as appointment booking duration or staff hourly costs to facilitate these calculations.

Timi’s Skills 

Currently, we've developed several skills with more in development. Here's a glimpse of what Tim can assist you with:

Timi's Current Skills:

  • Customer Celebration: Send personalized emails offering special discounts on appointments for customers' special days, fostering loyalty and increasing revenue.
  • Absence Manager: Timi can either automatically reschedule appointments due to staff absences or send you notifications and recommendations so you can manually accept proposed backup plans to handle scheduling conflicts. Maintain business continuity and keep customers informed.
  • New Booking Reminder: Clients will be reminded to schedule a new booking with your resources at a defined time after their last appointment.

Timi’s coming soon skils: 

  • Early Slot Waitlist: Clients can join a queue for earlier appointments. Timi proactively notifies them of available slots, giving them the option to reschedule. This prioritizes eager customers, enhancing satisfaction.
  • Smart Segmentation: Timi automates customer segmentation based on specific data or events, saving time and ensuring accurate categorization. This empowers you to better understand and target your customer base.
  • Churn Prevention: Timi identifies customers due for appointments or those who haven't booked in a while. He sends friendly reminders with booking options, making it easy to re-engage them. It can handle both single bookings and booking series.

Prioritizing Data Security

Security is paramount when it comes to adopting AI technology. At TIMIFY, we understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive data. That's why we want to assure our customers that our AI Assistant is built entirely in-house, following our very strict policy in data security. We do not send any data to third-party AI services, ensuring complete control over the security measures implemented. Your data privacy and protection are our top priorities, and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security in all aspects of our AI Assistant.

Getting Started with Timi

Tim is currently undergoing testing with select customers. Once optimized, he'll be available for all users to experience the power of AI-driven business automation.

Stay tuned for the official launch of the TIMIFY Assistant and unlock a new era of streamlined business management! 


About the author


TIMIFY is a global leader in scheduling and resource management software-as-a-service (Saas). It is known for its sophisticated, secure, and customisable enterprise-focused technology.  

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